As of the Stars, So of the Earth
Free Global Wisdom Gathering | 17th - 21st Dec 2024
but you can still sign up to receive updates on future editions
of this and other similar groundbreaking events!

We are at the threshold of a new day.
A time of prophecy.
As we navigate these times of great change on our beloved planet, we stand at a crossroads.
What we choose now will determine the course of our lives and the lives of many coming generations of all beings on MOTHER Earth.
The portals are open for great accelerated transformation to occur, for us to understand what has been hidden behind the veil, and for us to step into our highest potential!
Imagine an extraordinary life of magic, connection and with a sense of clarity and belonging.
Imagine deepening your awareness and stepping fearlessly into your journey of healing and awakening as we rise together as a collective.
We have the tools to understand the cosmic influences of these times and the significance of the great shift we’re experiencing on Earth in the greater picture of things!
We are here to remember where we actually came from, see the deeper layers and meaning of reality that we’ve been distracted from, and re-empower ourselves.
And you are not alone!
Now more than ever we need to be building and expanding our global community of like-hearted, like-minded souls.

To remember who we are
To re-kindle the spark of our divinity!
To reclaim our essence as sovereign cosmic beings
To heal and dream into being a world of peace and unity
We have the choice now to create a new storyline, a new myth for our existence on Earth, as empowered agents in the cosmic order of things.
It is time for us to re-imagine ourselves and how we show up in the world, our Earth community, where each one of us plays an important part. As active cells of one great living organism, humans and more than humans, we all make up the living library of information that illuminates the way.
Before you is a unique opportunity to take an expansive leap and harness the potency of these times and bring back precious tools and a deeper awareness so we may navigate them with clarity.
Together we are finding our place in the constellation
that is forming for our New Earth.

Dreaming the New Earth
As of the Stars, So of the Earth
is a global online gathering of visionaries, wisdom keepers and practitioners who are in service to the global awakening of consciousness and to supporting people and our planet during these times of great change.
In this year’s edition of Dreaming the New Earth, we zoom in on what our place is in the true cosmic story of humanity, as well as in our deep connection to the Earth, and what guidance and insight we can find in the stars and in our ancient history for this journey of awakening here on Gaia.
This 5-day wisdom gathering is a gift to you, shared as support for us to continue expanding our personal AND our collective vision.
It is a collective prayer for a world of unity and peace.
If you choose to invest in Lifetime Access to the Dreaming the New Earth event, 24% of the proceeds will be donated…
directly to 2 initiatives that are actively creating awareness and change in Southern Africa, where this wisdom gathering was dreamed into being.
12% of the proceeds will be donated to the Bushman Piet Heritage Farm project, a not-for-profit organisation, field school and farm that seeks to curate, preserve and educate on indigenous Bushman plant and animal knowledge, wisdom and cultural traditions. This includes sharing and transferring skills that include tracking, medicinal plants and farming in harmony with nature.
12% of the proceeds will be donated to the the launch of the Dream Quest Africa journey, a collective starseed mission in service to the reawakening of the ancient mysteries and energetic sites of Africa, for the awakening of our planet.
“As you walk upon the sacred earth, treat each step as a prayer”
— Black Elk

Meet our Speakers!

Clara Nisiri
Your Host & Creator of the Conference
Medicine Woman, Earth Keeper, Founder of Alkhemical Dreaming & Creator of the Dreaming the New Earth Wisdom Gathering -
Jyoti Ma
Founder of The Fountain & Grandmother Vision Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies
Angell Deer
Medicine Man, Teacher, Permaculturist, International Speaker
Darryl D'Souza
Earth Keeper & Founder of the New Earth Summit
Ani WIlliams
Author, Musician, Sound Therapist & Earth Elder
John Lockley
South African Diviner & Sangoma, Healer & Public Speaker
Anne Baring
Jungian Analyst & Author
Marvin Foe Aman
Spiritual Teacher & Founder of Umoyah School of Spirituality
Heather Ensworth
Astrologer, Clinical Psychologist & Shamanic Practitioner
Joy Mogami
Solar Sophia Oracle, African Prophet, Psycho-Spiritual Healer & Oracle Initiator
Jocelyn Star Feather
Visibility Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Alchemist, Astrologer & Founder of Sacred Planet
Laura Eisenhower
Researcher, Author & Astrologer
T/Dr. Markus van der WEsthuizen
Healer, Kinesiopractor, Metaphysician & Teacher
Dr. Leila Sadien
Medicine Woman & Medical Doctor
Michelle McClunan
Counselling Astrologer, Life Navigator & Intuitive Art Facilitator
W. William Boyd
Soul Tracker, Quantum Energetic Alignment Facilitator & Teacher/Guide
Dr. Veronica Goodchild
Emerita Professor, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Jungian Psychotherapist, Pilgrimage Leader & Author
Ami Sohi
Sacred Storyteller, Visionary Thought Leader, Mystical Travel Guide & Founder of Joy Through Travel
Divine Harmony
Astrologer, Writer & Teacher with a M.A. in Depth Psychology
Angie Gullan
Dolphin Guide & Citizen Scientist
Meghan Kelly
Teacher, Integrative Therapist, Counselling Astrologer & Creator of AstroConstellations™
Anja Bock
Movement Medicine
Apprentice Teacher -
!’Aru |Khuisi Bushman Piet
What you will find during this online gathering are topics to support us in our personal and collective vision, to expand our awareness about what we’re experiencing in this prophetic time of transformation and move through this collective initiation REMEMBERING how to support ourselves and our Earth community on the journey of ascension. Tapping into the wisdom and knowledge that is held in the ancient truths we carry in our own cellular memory!
With this awareness we can make the decisions that will empower us and others, and awaken to the life of joy and expansiveness we are longing for. A kind of sovereignty that is beyond the old ways and how it was understood in the past. A coming back to centre and level of understanding we have not embodied for a very long time here on Earth.
“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.”
— Eckhart Tolle
In this sacred container you will enjoy 5 days of profound transmissions and experiences with extraordinary thought leaders and creators. Precious tools to illuminate your path and re-ignite your own vision, in alignment with what the Cosmos is dreaming through YOU.
You are invited to attend Dreaming the New Earth: As of the Stars, So of the Earth for FREE!
17th - 21st December 2024
Meet your Host & Creator of the Dreaming the New Earth Global Wisdom Gathering
Clara Nisiri 🦅
Clara is the visionary behind Alkhemical Dreaming, a body of work that weaves together dreamwork, family constellations, creative expression, ancestral and Earth wisdom, sacred ritual and more. Parallel to enjoying a rewarding language career in the world of high-level institutions for almost 2 decades and living in several parts of the world, her journey of awakening has brought her to grow deeper roots and realign her rhythm with the calling to the sacred work. Clara’s mission is to support Self in reconnecting with its inner and outer dimensions, to remember our mythical essence and understand and reclaim our sovereign place in both our personal sphere and the infinite Cosmos. She is a student of ancient medicine traditions, of mixed ancestral heritage, and lives in the beautiful Eden District of South Africa, re-learning and re-membering a more empowered, sustainable way of life in communion with Pachamama.
The vision and guidance to create the Dreaming the New Earth gathering came from the subtle realms! It manifested as a sacred container of learning, in community, to support us all on this journey of awakening.
My prayer is that we all receive these seeds of wisdom, to plant and nurture and grow and dream them into sacred action. And that on our journey forward we keep turning within to our own inner authority, for strength and guidance, cultivating discernment for the way forward.
May we make this precious existence we have been gifted a living prayer.

Let us remember and surrender to the guidance of the vast intelligence of the cosmos that governs all of life. The greater dreaming and weaving of the Universe are moving us all toward a higher collective consciousness.